What Are Good Topics For a Master Thesis about Business Intelligence?|MBA admission in Bangalore

Posted by Prof Manoranjan H P On 30/12/2021 10:16:29

Business entity management processes are more and more often supported by computerized Business Intelligence platforms that facilitate multi-criteria analysis and reporting. Probably in the future, business analysts will be supported by artificial intelligence. It would be a great advance in the field of automation and objectification of multi-criteria economic analysis of business entities. Complex, multi-criteria analysis regarding the verification of large companies' operations requires aggregation and analytical processing of large data sets in Big Data database systems. MBA admission in Bangalore

However, in what direction will technological progress be realized in this field?

In the future, as part of the progressing computerization of analytical processes, it will be possible to implement artificial intelligence to the processes of analyzing large collections of information collected in Big Data database systems.

Apparently, we are now living in the era of the fourth technological revolution, known as Industry 4.0.

The previous three technological revolutions:

1. The industrial revolution of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, determined mainly by the industrial application of the invention of a steam engine.

2. Electricity era of the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century.

3. The IT revolution of the second half of the twentieth century was determined by computerization, the widespread use of the Internet, and the beginning of the development of robotization.

The current fourth technological revelation, known as Industry 4.0, is motivated by the development of the following factors:

- artificial intelligence,

- cloud computing,

- machine learning,

- Big Data database technologies,

- Internet of Things.

On the basis of the development of these IT instruments and technologies, business analytics of companies such as Business Intelligence and the above-mentioned areas have been dynamically developing in recent years.

The development of information processing technology in the era of the current technological revolution defined by Industry 4.0 is determined by the application of new information technologies in the field of e-commerce and e-marketing. The advanced information processing and analysis technologies mentioned above are used more and more often for marketing purposes of various business entities that advertise their offer on the Internet or analyze the needs in this area reported by other entities, including companies, corporations, financial and public institutions. More and more commercial business entities and financial institutions conduct marketing activities on the Internet, including on social media portals. More and more companies, banks, and other entities need to conduct multi-criteria analysis on large data sets downloaded from the Internet describing the markets on which they operate, as well as contractors and clients with whom they cooperate. On the other hand, there are already specialized technology companies that offer this type of analytical service, develop custom reports, which are the result of such multi-criteria analysis of large data sets obtained from various websites and entries and comments on social media portals.


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