Report on Scenario Analysis Session- MOM 3

Posted by Prof. Dr. Dinesh Mahajan On 31/07/2023 06:00:45

This session was conducted by Dr. Dinesh Mahajan on the 3rd Day of MOM 2023 for New students. The objective of the session was to learn how to use the acquired knowledge for real business scenarios. It provided them with an opportunity to think as per the specific Scenario provided to them and to react in a particular scenario.

The more a person can overcome the discomfort of being in an unnatural situation the better the person will be able to demonstrate the behaviors required by the role. The methodology adopted for Scenario Analysis was very transparent and interesting. The students were given a particular scenario to act as they were supposed to act in reality. The students were very enthusiastic to take part in the activity. It was a new kind of activity for them. The students were given the allocated time of 3-4 minutes to act in a particular scenario. The following scenarios could be used due to the limitation of the time factor:

  • How to resolve a customer complaint regarding a defective product?
  • How to discipline one of your team members?
  • How to market a new product to a potential customer?

The students were divided into different groups. 10 students (in pair of 2 students each) were allocated for each Scenario. The best pair from each group was selected by the students.  This activity helped in improving the confidence level of the students and enhancing their application skills. They were even guided by the faculty about their shortcomings and how to improve upon them.

The main purpose of the activity was to make the students understand how to act in the real-life corporate scenarios they are going to face in the future. This activity helped in enhancing the students’ management skills and confidence levels. The students enjoyed the unique type of session and gave their full support in the successful completion of the session.

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