MBA Admission Interview Questions Tips
There is a lot of chaos surrounding an MBA, be it choosing the right time to do it, the right specialization or the institute. Different people have varied views and experiences and inputs from all the resources tend to become
confusing at a certain point of time. We are here to take up all of your concerns and start with the most important question, the base before you move ahead with any of the above – Interview. While applying for any good MBA college, the first stepping stone is the interview. Of course, it does give jitters at the first go, however, it isn’t as difficult as it is stereotypically projected.
In the following ways we shall know how to crack an interview in 5 easy steps.These are basics which are to be followed with any other prerequisite a college may have.
- Know the purpose: Before you face this question from the interview panel, get clarity on these questions and ask yourself – Why do ‘I’ want to do an MBA? What will ‘I’ be able to do after doing an MBA? How is it going to help me in achieving my goals? This will not only sort your idea of doing an MBA but also help you crack the most crucial query in the interview process.
- Research about the institute you are applying for: It is important to know if your goals are aligned with the institute’s vision where you are applying. Is it the right platform with the help of which you can progress? This shall help you be ready with an appropriate answer for why have chosen this college.
- Connect the dots: Understand how your educational and professional background will alter/benefit after doing an MBA. This is the most widely asked question especially if you are from a non-commerce background such as engineering.
- Know what you will learn in an MBA program: They say it’s always better to be safe than sorry! Gather as much information on how and what are you going to learn in MBA. Let the interviewers know you are well informed about your decision and ready to take on the plunge.
- Confidence and honesty: Last but not the least, stay confident throughout the interview with your answers and body language. After good research you will definitely be able to project that much required quality of being honest too.
There you go, well prepared and ready to crack any interview with a bout of
information and confidence. Get set - Win!