A momentous day in every student’s life, Graduation Day is an eagerly awaited event when students are conferred with formal certification for their successful completion of academic degrees. It is once-in-life time occasion for students to congregate before their eventual foray into corporate world. Beyond that, it is also the time to acknowledge peer group’s contribution in your transition into professional individuals.
IIBS, whose Graduation Day Ceremonies have always been special, was no different this year too. Besides the congregation of students, a host of dignitaries graced the occasion – the Chairman, the Director, the Director-Admissions, the Dean, the Assistant Dean, the entire team of faculty members, IIBS alumni, and the non-teaching staff. As always been the ritual, this year’s guest of honor was Mr.Sunil Kumar, who himself is an alumnus of the prestigious Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. Mr. Sunil Kumar was specially chosen to be the chief guest for his accomplishment in corporate world: being CEO & Product Director of GreenStep Technologies, and Founder Director of OPENSCOR, a Supply Chain and Operations knowledge venture.
The ceremony got off at 5 PM when the invitees were greeted to dais by floral bouquets, followed by divine invocation and lighting the lamp. Prof. NSR.Murthy set ceremony in motion with welcome address. Inaugurating the event, the Chief Guest, Mr. Sunil Kumar, in his address to the audience, highlighted the significance of academics in making students corporate-ready. He also relived his experience of Graduation Day at IIM, Ahmedabad. Later, in his address to the gathering Dr. Jay Prakash, Chairman-IIBS, recalled his own experience of graduation day. Dr. K. Ramadas, Director-IIBS, who also spoke on the occasion, termed the Graduation Day a “precursor” to the giant leap into the professional arena.
Students in their turn took up the opportunity to acknowledge & thank their teachers’ contribution in their evolution as professional-ready individuals. Some of the IIBS alumni present on the day spoke in appreciation of their alma mater, and the difference it has made in their foray into real world of the corporate business world. They narrated their first-hand experience of professional sphere, which was quite insightful, particularly to the out-going batch.
The center of attraction was a select few students, who were honored with certification of appreciation for their commendable academic achievement by the Chief Guest Mr. Sunil Kumar. Certification of Completion was awarded to the rest of the students by Dr. Jay Prakash, Dr.K. Ramadas and Prof. NSR Murty. As token of appreciation for his graceful presence on the occasion the Chief Guest was honored with a memento by Dr.K. Ramadas. The ceremony eventually concluded with a buffet for the entire invitees. Overall, it was a day filled with a sense of fun, frolic, achievement, and great expectation.