Evolution Of Modern Banking|MBA Institutes in Bangalore

Posted by Sushmita S On 08/01/2022 09:35:18

Banking was not always the closely monitored and regulated industry that it is now. Previously, banking was purely a free-market enterprise. Without any restrictions or licences, any entrepreneur might enter and depart the banking sector. But, over time, banking evolved into the highly regulated industry it is today.

In mediaeval Europe, goldsmiths were the first to use banking. The goldsmith would construct powerful vaults to safeguard their inventory from theft in order to protect valuable items. The goldsmith then began accepting deposits, which was the beginning of modern banking. Over time, the goldsmiths discovered that the deposits are frequently significantly greater than the withdrawals. As a result, the goldsmiths began lending out their gold. MBA Institutes in Bangalore

This was the age of unregulated financial institutions. Banking was more entrepreneurial during this time period. As a result, anyone with the desire to start a bank might do so. There were no requirements for licences or regulations. This period lasted until the 1600s.

As banking progressed over time, the radius of trade and commerce expanded, necessitating the transport of money over large distances. The birth of banknotes occurred during this time. Private banks would be in charge of issuing private banknotes. The notes were nothing more than a receipt for gold that had been deposited at the bank and could be retrieved upon presentation of the receipt. Some of these notes were bearer notes, which meant that the gold would be paid to whoever had the note.

Central banks were created in order to provide order to these uncontrolled banks and avoid honest banks from losing business. The government founded central banks with a specific charter. They would operate as the government's bankers. They would also be in charge of the smooth operation of the other banks in their territory. This was the point at which banking licences became mandatory. Central banks, on the other hand, are essentially 20th-century phenomena. Until the late 1890s, several countries lacked a central bank. Many detractors claimed that one of the tenets of socialism was central banking and that markets must always be free. Central banks, on the other hand, are ubiquitous in today's world.

The fractional reserve system is another significant development in the modern financial system. As a result, bankers only need to hold a small portion of the funds on deposit. Banknotes are now used to create reserves from which more banknotes can be produced. Some banks have surplus reserves, while others have insufficient reserves. As a result, interbank markets are used to trade reserves.

In short, the banking industry has seen significant transformations over time. The fundamental structure of the company has shifted dramatically, from safekeeping to full reserve money lending to fractional reserve banking today.

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