Corporate Stress Management Program is making IIBS Student stress free

Posted by Santosh Sahni On 07/07/2017 08:43:12

Corporate Stress Management Programme at Mahabodhi Society, Bengaluru. Third semester MBA students of IIBS have undergone a day-long "Corporate Stress Management Programme" at Mahabodhi Society, Bengaluru on 5th of July, 2017.

One of the main hinderance to deliver the best output by a Corporate Manager is obviously the stress factor that he undergoes in his daily routine. If he is able to keep the stress under control and channelises it in a positive direction, the same negative energy will do wonders for his organization. This is what our students have learned during the program under the expert guidance of the honorable monks at Mahabodhi. All man-made problems have solutions if we understand the problem first. But, unfortunately, we are scared of the problem and run away from it. Therefore, grapple with the problem and find the right solution which is already embedded in it.

Our students were overwhelmed with the way the program was conducted through various activities in a calm and peaceful atmosphere far away from the city in Mahabodhi. At the end of the day, the students have come back charged with tons of positive energy to cope up with their studies and also preparing for the internships that are in offing.

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